Sunday, September 17, 2017

Been Gone For Awhile.

Yeah, it's been awhile.  I haven't finished anything new.  But I did have a heart attack, again.  I had one way back in 2003, July of 2003.  This past July I had another.  Fourteen years apart.  I was lucky.  I got to the hospital before I had it.

I was feeling kind of funny, so I laid down to see if it was that I was just tired.  The feeling didn't pass, so I kept telling myself to get up and go to the hospital.  I did.  They took an ekg and blood.  I wasn't have a heart attack...yet.

An hour later they did another blood test and it showed I was having an attack.  They confirmed with and ekg and wheeled me into the catlab.  They were prepared to push another stent into me, but found I had five blocked arteries.

Ten hours later I was being operated on. They did five bypasses.  Five.  5!  I don't remember waking up after the surgery, except for them to tell me I would be just fine, it was a success. I remember them telling me I would be going into the Surgical ICU for awhile.

I don't remember anything, except bit and pieces.

I woke up and I was tied to the bed.  They told me I had been out of my mind.  ICU Psychosis they called it.  I was spitting at everyone, yelling to get me out of there, I was even flick my blood oozing from my chest where they opened me up to do the surgery.  I guess I was really being a bastard.

I do remember a feeling of paranoia.  I remember thinking they are all out to kill me. Why?  I haven't the faintest idea.  Once I was in my right mind, they were all really nice people.  I didn't understand what happened.

Then they went over the list of drugs they had tried to keep me calm.  I bet each one had the opposite effect on me.  Once they stopped giving me anything but morphine for pain, I calmed down and rested. From what they tell me.

Since then, I'm doing fine.  I'm home.  Although they did want me to go to a rehab facility, which I did.  I am now living alone and the doctors didn't want me to go home.  It was nice but the beds were shit.  I finally found one that I liked...two days before I left.  I was there 10 days.

I am now going back to the hospital each day to exercise.  It only cost me $33 a month.  That's Phase 3 Rehab.  Phase 2 was costing me $40 a day.  I only went six days over three weeks and they graduated me to Phase 3.

I'm feeling good.  I hope to continue to feel good or better.


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