Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Short Story Published

Lightning Strike

Is now available at Smashwords.

Jim Carr was a lonely young man living in the big city. One day on his way home two things happened to him. He was struck by lightning and met a beautiful woman.
Jim Carr was walking down the street on his way home from work, the clouds overhead dark with the coming storm. As he rounded the corner and started across the park down the street from his house, there was a brilliant flash and a loud bang as a single bolt of lightning hit him squarely in the head. Dropping to his knees, Jim cried out in pain slowly falling forward the blackness of unconsciousness washing over his mind.
* * * *
Opening his eyes slowly, a sharp pain still present in his head, Jim saw the face of an angel, his head cradled in the soft lap, of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Opening his mouth the woman placed a finger to his lips.