Thursday, March 10, 2016

Holy crap...a year!  I can/should be doing better than that.

Okay, finished two old, long pieces and added a short new one...

A story about a little/big town in the northern plains filled with high-powered people. Intrigue and violence along with sweetness and romance fill the days of the people of Orchard Falls.

Available at Smashwords.


George J. Hood and Hyraim Janus founded the Brotherhood of Janus in 1865. The founding of the Brotherhood was for the advancement of members and their families. The Brotherhood required members to help other members in the areas of business and conservation of family fortunes. That was the primary reason for the formation of the Brotherhood.

The second installment in the saga.

Available at Smashwords.


Jack O'Hara, friend of Don Steel and James Stanton(see Orchard Falls), takes on a request from his doctor to protect her. She has received death threats via eMail. Jack, an Orchard Falls resident, takes his assignment seriously. Along with his faithful companion, Rudy his dog, they watch over the pretty redheaded doctor. His past training comes in handy in his work.

Available at Smashwords.

All three of these were fun to finish and I think they will be a fun read.  I must warn you about the Brotherhood of Janus books, they deal a lot with wife swapping on a grand scale.

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