Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another new story...A New World

A New World takes you through the lives off a species that has to leave their home planet because they have discovered an asteroid a quarter size their planet heading right for them. They are a technically advanced race and build giant ships to move their species to the next planet down sun from them.

They have left that planet alone as it is inhabited by a race of people not advanced enough to even have discovered fire yet. They know they will supplant this race within ten decades, yet they have no choice as it is the only other planet in the system they can live on.
-------------------------------------- Excerpt
Hurrying down the hallway, Jean De'art holds the readout tightly to her thorax. Her mind is reeling with the data typed across the pages she has just printed. Frightened beyond belief she pushes open Professor Ke'pats door without knocking. The Professor spins in his chair to see who would be so bold, yet a kindly smile crosses his lips when he sees it is Jean.

"Jean, my dear, what is the matter? You look as if you have seen a ghost of the ancestors."

"Professor, if that was all, I would be overjoyed. What I have here, in this stack of paper is something I just can't comprehend as yet."

"Well my dear, then let me see and perhaps I can help you."

"Sir, I understand what the data tells me, it's what it means that I can't or don't want to comprehend."

"Let me have a look," Professor Ke'pats says softly.

Jean sets the papers down in front of him, gently. Ke'pats starts reading. As he does, the small hairs on the back of his neck start to rise. His torso breaks out in fel'ck bumps. As he reads the last page of data, his hands shake and his eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"This can't be Jean!" Ke'pats whispers afraid of his students answer.

"I checked it five time sir. The numbers are correct."

"My god, this is…this is disastrous. This will mean…Great Je'ga, I can't say it."

"I know sir. I can't either, but we have to tell someone."

"The High Council must be told for sure, yet…will they do the right thing."

"I wouldn't know the answer to that question Professor, really I wouldn't."

"I know my dear, I know. Not a word of this to anyone until I return from Se'pa City, understand my dear?"

"Yes Professor," Jean says watching the Professor collect her papers and stuff them in his carry case. "Go back to your lab and print another copy of these and put them in a safe place, just in case."

"In case of what Professor?" Jean asks.

"Just do it," the Professor whispers harshly. "For me dear, if you would?" he asks gently.

"Of Course, sir, of course," Jean replies, as the Professor hurries out the door.
Geez, how many does this make now...there is God Mother, Janus(5 books, 1 already published) Lakota Johnson, The Others, Jump Point, Rerun, The Fifth Age and several others.

Crap there isn't enough time in the day! Damn and I want to finish these before I die!

Oh well back to work. 

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