Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brotherhood of Janus

Wow! A week straight of typing.  I have been fixated on this one for two weeks.  I have forsaken gaming, and other things. 50,000 words and it's only two thirds done. Yikes. And this is just the first in several books planned for the series of who knows how many!

Here's a small except...


I drove home in a daze.  When I got there, my wife was out, so I sat at the kitchen table and opened the box.  On the very top of the papers, there had to be a couple of hundred file folders, there was a single booklet.  It was about 50 pages, typed and bound.  The title page inside the cover was "Brotherhood of Janus - Bylaws and rules of Membership".  There was a preface.

George J. Hood and Hyraim Janus founded the Brotherhood of Janus in 1865.  The Brotherhood was formed for the advancement of members and their families. The Brotherhood required the members to help other members in the areas of business and conservation of family fortunes. That was the primary reason for the formation of the Brotherhood.  Only, later - 1920 - did the gifting of pleasure to each other in a monthly celebration come to be an additional aspect of the group.  Although in the archives, there is mention of grand meetings of the Brotherhood council and once business concluded, refreshments and entertainment, provided by the member's wives, began.

Membership is either inherited or bestowed. Although there are instances, were payments for short-term memberships have been accepted for the good of the Brotherhood.  The first five hundred members have and will always be referred to as founding members. Even though the member currently holding one of the five hundred membership numbers is only a descendant of the first member, he will still be revered as one of the five hundred.

Looking at the number in the lower right hand corner of the booklet I read my membership number. Zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-two-nine-three, I was a five hundred.


I hope to finish this one soon.

Added:  I have finished the final draft and sent this off to my editor. It will be ready soon.

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